today is really tired~
because yesterday i sleep aronud 2a.m
walao eh~
thn my mum call me help she do some housework~
i wan die ady lar~
why always ask me to do it~
i hate it~
bull shit d~
but i jz do it lar~
after do my housework
i go take bath,thn take my breakfast~
today my sis make us a tako kek~
so funny about it lar~
1st time make it~
but ok lar
tis time make it jz simple oni
coz no materials
but nvm lar ,next time add more materials inside the tako kek
my sis always say~boh ho chiak lar~
thn call me and wei lun dun eat ar~
sot eh~hehe finally we eat finish ady
today is so happy lar~
thanks for sis make the tako kek for us to eat~
sien~2moro wanna go to skul ady~
and start a new week~